06 May.,2023


 I can imagine the scenario now, late-night chardonnay shopping on your phone (you know you do it – I do too)

“Hey. You’re looking good! I’ve been searching for YOU for-ever! That navy velvet looks really hot on you, and I’m loving your curvy arms and super sleek legs! Yeah baby. Single cushion? Tufts everywhere? No problem – I like high maintenance! Plus…at that price? With free shipping? I’d have to be insane to not want you!”

Fast forward a year or so.

“I’m just not sure how this is working out for us. Clearly this relationship isn’t going anywhere. Somehow, I thought you were going to be more supportive! More durable. I didn’t really expect that every time I sat on you I’d have to fix you. I had no idea your tufts would be so, how can I say this nicely…wimpy. You looked so plump and luscious in your profile picture! You know, It’s okay. It’s not you…It’s me. (but really, it’s you)”

Hold on. Just bear with me a minute. This is where I’m going to lose a few of you.

Yes, I know that’s a super simplistic analogy and that many lovely, high quality people are both incredibly trendy AND well-built, thank you very much. And yes, I understand that for many people, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and they don’t bother to even pay attention to the outside – because “true beauty is found within.” And to those of you uttering that phrase to yourself, number one, your momma raised you right and number two?  I thank you for making my point for me!

So how about THIS honest approach instead?

“You know. I’ve really taken the time to think about who I am and what I need in my life. I’ve been around the block a bit and I’m comfortable with who I am. I know what I want, and if you fit into it…great!

I like long Netflix marathons, so I’m going to need you to need be supportive for hours on end. Fair warning, this is a potential deal breaker for me. Sometimes, I’ll even fall asleep on you and maybe I’ll just stay there all night. I expect comfort and I won’t settle for less!

I drink red wine and coffee and I tend to spill. But here’s the thing, I MUST be able to clean you up. Look, I know that’s asking a lot and I realize that will take some effort on my part. I’m just being honest here.

I’ll admit, I’m a bit of a commitment-phobe so that means you need to be both classic and flexible. I just can’t make any promises about what your surroundings are going to look like in a few years. I’m sure you’re lovely and popular, but too trendy and I know that I’ll get tired of looking at you…and neither one of us wants that. I just don’t have time, energy or money to keep doing this “thing” over and over every few years! I want one and done, can we do this? Did I mention I have 4 children and a dog?”

If you have any questions on 30LBS RAIL. We will give the professional answers to your questions.